Resources for Post Election Self-care and Community-Care

Isolated. Worn out. Exhausted. Rebellious. Shaky. Confused. Shocked. Furious. Terrified. Grieving.

These are some of the words I have heard from people in the last 2 days since Trump was nominated.

I have been thinking about action and inaction, the balance of doing and being and the practices of self-care and community-care.

In class this week I asked people to say one thing they were feeling in their body or an emotion. I intentionally asked folks to not share thoughts or opinions, as I see a lot of thought and opinion sharing right now. Thoughts are important and necessary. I also think thoughts can keep us frantic, dissociated and swirling. When we can involve all of ourselves (body, mind and spirit) I believe that we can move into action from a grounded and responsive place rather than a reactionary and impulsive place.

I made a list of resources for both doing in the world and taking time to be. This list is not exhaustive at all. Please let me know the resources you are using. I will keep adding to it.

1. Here is a recording of the yoga nidra we did on Wednesday for the post-election fundraiser for Standing Rock. If you have funds to donate for the meditation please consider supporting a Seattlite who is at Standing Rock with her family right now. You can donate here.

2. I have been using a blend of essential oils to soothe my system. It is a combination of bergamot (balancing), cedar (strengthening) and lavender (calming). Tuning into our senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling) can support calming the nervous system.

3. Notice what you are feeling in your body and see how you can tend to it. Does it want a bath, a cup of tea, food, a hug? Our bodies are processing so much right now and they need attention as they integrate.

4. Lovingkindness meditation towards yourself. Go here for a recording.

5. If and when you feel like sending lovingkindness out into the world here is the full practice. Please note if going out feels triggering I encourage you to stay with yourself  longer.

6.. If meditation is a useful resource for you I have many free guided meditations here.

7. Do something powerful where you feel strong and access a sense of control. This morning I did the hardest work out at Rainier Health and Fitness I have done in years, and it felt great.

8. Connect with loved ones.

9. Cry. Yell. Scream. Chant. Sing. Find ways to use your voice in empowering ways.

10. If the overwhelm feels too much to handle on your own reach out for support. My yoga therapy practice is accepting new clients, and I also have a list of politicized healers who can support you through this process.  Go here to set up a free 20 minute phone consult with me where we can see if yoga therapy would be the best support for you, and I can also offer referrals for additional resources.

11. Start to look into the systems of supremacy and oppression that affect every single one of us. Here are a few organizations to support you engage in this work:
a. Coalition of Ant-Racist Whites
     b. Cultures Connecting
c. European Dissent
     d. The People’s Institute
     e. Social Justice Fund
     f. Social Justice Institute

12. Come to RW Alves and my almost free webinar on White People Waking Up on Wednesday, November 16 or Thursday, December 15.

13. Come to RW Alves and my 10-week on-line series on White People Waking Up starting Wednesday, January 11.

14. Go to Liz Goodwin’s training on Beyond Empowerment Beyond Liberation at 8 Limbs on Friday, December 9.

15. Go to actions in the community that you are passionate about. Here are some I am excited about.
a. CARW is hosting a White Folks and the Election Meeting Friday, November 11 at 6.
b. Free movie screening of Race: The Power of an Illusion on Saturday, November 12.
c. Fundraiser for Standing Rock on Sunday, November 13

16. Here are some books on social justice, racial justice and feminism that I have found helpful. If you have others please let me know.
Witnessing Whiteness by Shelly Tochluk
Living in the Tension by Shelly Tochluk
What does it Mean to be White? by Robin DiAngelo
Radical Dharma by Angel Kyodo Williams
The Way of Tenderness by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde
At the Root of This Longing by Carol Lee Flinders
A Different Mirror by Ronald Takaki
Beyond Empowerment Beyond Inclusion by Leticia Nieto